We are thrilled about your interest in enrolling your child in our school!

Completing the registration process should take around 10 minutes. Please note that this form must be filled out in one session, and you won't be able to save your progress for later completion


Click the 'NEXT ->' button in the bottom right to navigate through this registration form.

Preschool: For children who are 3 years by Jan. 7, 2025

Jr. Kindergarten: For children who are 4 years by Jan. 6, 2025

Kindergarten: For children who are 5 years by Jan. 6, 2025


*For children who are 3 years by Dec 31, 2024


*For children who are 4 years by Dec 31, 2024.


*Please double check the birth year.
*Year & Month. Example: 4 years & 5 months
*Primary residence.






Individuals granted permission, aside from parents, who are authorized to pick up your child.

Caregiver #1

Caregiver #2

Caregiver #3


Alberta Children’s Services requires an Emergency contact name, street address & phone number:


*Must be a Calgary address.


All fields under Health History are required. If there is nothing to report, just type N/A.

If any of the boxes are checked above, you will need to complete a Severe Allergy Alert Form available from the school office and provide the school with emergency medication to be kept at school. Please watch expiry dates on products.


**All children MUST be independently potty trained before attending preschool**


(List interests & other programs your child participates in)


Edelweiss Child Guidance Policy

The following Child Guidance Policy is required by Alberta Children’s Services for all licensed facilities.

Please read the child guidance policy for Edelweiss Preparatory School and sign your name below. Your signature will acknowledge that you are aware of the stated policy, and will signify your acceptance thereof.

We expect the children to treat adults and their peers with respect and politeness. We encourage the children to find acceptable ways to handle conflicts/disagreements that may arise during class. When a child is engaging in inappropriate behavior (i.e. hitting, using inappropriate language, etc.) we would speak with the child; making him or her aware of the fact that the behaviour in which they are engaging is not appropriate. The child would then be redirected to another activity or area of the classroom. Our focus is redirection of behavior rather than time outs. If a child is consistently not adhering to our child guidance techniques, parents will be notified and if improvements in behaviour are not seen, our program will not be able to accommodate the child. The teachers at Edelweiss Preparatory School do not use any type of corporal punishment and shall not harm children nor participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children. This principle has precedence over all others. Our school aims to provide the best and most positive environment in which children will be happy and thrive on the joy of learning through a combination of fun and educational activities.



Edelweiss has a commitment to protect your privacy. We understand and respect your privacy and strive to protect your personal information. I/we give Edelweiss Preparatory School permission to publish the following on the class list for my child’s class. Class lists are only issued to the class your child is in for the purpose of parents contacting one another.


EPS provides an enjoyable experience for children and captures pictures for promotional purposes that showcase a cheerful environment. By enrolling at EPS, parents/guardians grant permission for photo-taking. If you prefer your child not to be featured in social media photos (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), kindly inform the school administration.



  1. I will give the school 60 days written notice if I need to cancel my registration or pay the tuition fees in lieu of notice.

  2. If my child catches an illness, I will keep my child at home for the well being of my child and the other children in the school and will contact the school if my child is going to be away from school.

  3. I will contact the school immediately if my child contracts any communicable disease.

  4. I will not leave the school building until my child is in the care of his/her teachers.

  5. I will pick up my child on time and will notify the school of any other individuals that are allowed to pick up my child. I understand that the individual picking up my child must be at least 18 years of age and that the school office must be notified in writing or by phone and in advance of the pick-up.

  6. I will not send my child with snacks that contain nuts.

  7. I will adhere to the uniform policy and purchase all my child’s uniform pieces from Top Marks. I agree not to re-sell the uniform when my child is finished with it.

  8. I will waive all claims against Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. and its Directors in excess of the liability insurance coverage carried by Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. in the case of injury/illness/accident/death to my child while in the custody or control of Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd.

  9. I understand that neither Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. nor the Cambrian Heights Community Association will be responsible for any accident/incident involving the welfare of any child while travelling to and from the school prior to and after class times/school hours.

  10. I hereby give permission for my child to accompany his/her class under the supervision of Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. teachers and parent volunteers on outings during the school year. This includes educational field trips with travel by a chartered school bus as well as outside activities adjacent to the Cambrian Heights Community Centre.

  11. I agree that my child has permission to engage in all prescribed school activities.

  12. I authorize the staff of Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. to take whatever emergency measures they deem necessary for the protection of my child while in their care.

  13. I grant permission for Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. staff to perform any medical treatment that the school staff deems to be reasonably required by the student in the event of sudden illness or injury and to obtain, at my expense, any medical care, including emergency transportation and emergency treatment. I understand that this may be prior to contacting me and at my expense.

  14. By registering with Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. I agree that Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. will not be held responsible for any accident, illness, injury or loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur however caused and agree to release and hold harmless all instructors, staff, volunteers and sponsors from all claims or damages without limitation which may arise as a result of/or by reason of such accident, illness or loss.

I hereby acknowledge that I am the parent or legal guardian of the student. I have fully read and understand all parts of this document prior to signing it and have signed it freely and voluntarily.



I authorize Edelweiss Preparatory School Ltd. to debit my/our bank account for monthly tuition fees for my child, during the period of July 1, 2024 and September 1st, 2024 to May 1st, 2025.

If I incur late fees ($20 as per the school policy) for picking up my child late, I understand they will be added to the monthly tuition.

The account we authorize to be withdrawn from is indicated by my “VOID” cheque or bank pre-authorized debit form uploaded below. I agree that if my debit becomes NSF, I will be charged an additional $20 fee. I understand that I am required to give 60 days notice to cancel and if my child does not attend during those 60 days, I am responsible to pay the tuition. I understand that there are no cancellations accepted after Jan 1st, 2025.

The tuition is withdrawn monthly on the first banking day of the month. If you qualify for subsidy, we will reduce it by $125.


Cambrian heights community association membership form is required to register your child at EPS.

Only 1 CHCA membership is required per Family.

You can unsubscribe to the CHCA newsletter anytime

TO PAY: After registering your student, e-transfer the CHCA membership fee to EPS at [email protected]. We'll handle forwarding your fees to the CHCA for your membership.

You can include your CHCA fee with your registration and materials fee in one e-transfer.

You're almost done.

Click the 'COMPLETE' button to send your child's registration to EPS administration for review.

Your registration will not be considered complete until you receive the confirmation message.